Monk Little Dog
Monk is a jovial little dog who obstinately tries his best but always fails! When things aren’t working out for Monk, catastrophes follow. Things can get totally out of control real fast!
Monk is a jovial little dog who obstinately tries his best but always fails! When things aren’t working out for Monk, catastrophes follow. Things can get totally out of control real fast!
Animated series CGI
52 X 3
Genre : Cartoon, comedy
Creating, directing, writing, editing
Follow the Monchhichi on their magical adventures creating pleasant dreams, while recognizing the positivity of individual differences and the value of teamwork.
Animated series CGI
52 X 12
Genre : Preschool
Creation and editing of some TFOU bonuses for TF1
The SDC (Space Development Center), an evil organization, is hunting down all aliens arriving on the Earth. LINUS and his best friend BOOM, a six-foot-four-inch Velguzian who can transform into a human and go unnoticed (or almost), set out on missions every day after school to free the unfortunate aliens captured by the SDC.
Animated series CGI
52 X 13
Genre : Action, adventure
Assistant director, co-directing, writing, editing
The Legendaries, official heroes of the kingdom of Alysia, are courageous, fearless and indomitable, but they have become children again, 12 years old … A real curse!
Animated series 2D/3D
26 X 26
Genre : Action, adventure
Creation and editing of some TFOU bonuses for TF1
What if two 12-year-old twins, in a weird and wacky family, decided to deal with the crazy situations that can arise in any kid’s life as though they were the heroes of their favorite movies? How would they…? Solve the mystery of unmatched socks “Mission : Impossible” style? Find a missing stuffed animal “Indiana Jones” style?
Animated series CGI
26 X 26
Genre : Comedy, action
Assistant director, writing, editing
During my Web Design training, we had as a challenge to make the design of a crowdfunding site about renewable energies.
From UX to UI, through personas and integration, here was my mission.
Progress meter
Detailed technical sheet
Project’s presentation
Scalp massage
Strong color for each project
Full screen & split-screen
Geometrical typographies : Ubuntu & Tajawal
Human being plays an important part in the projects’ presentation. This is an essential measure of the Green is Now brand: « the human scale ».
Two pictures of each member of the team are requested for a presentation combining proximity and modernity.
The gauge uses the Green is Now logo and marks the progress of the financing.
The cards are airy and colorful. The icons recall the project’s universe about sustainable energy.
Greeny is the emotional persona. It is the result of the anthropomorphization of the Green is Now logo. Imagine a cartoon tree that makes love with a light bulb.
Greeny supports you in your efforts, especially in donation tunnels or project repositories. Greeny interacts with you and helps you by answering questions, like a nice, well-trained bot.
During my training in Web Design, we had to design the Onboarding (« embarquement » for fans of Molière) and the player (« lecteur » for fans of Charles Aznavour) of a streaming music application (« diffusion en continu » for fans of Quebec).
The application also had the particularity of offering music videos.
I started from the observation that from one day to the next we are not necessarily in the mood to listen to this or that music. Spotify’s daily Mix, for example, is a tool very powerful but overly generalistic.
Certainly, if you have a precise mood, you can choose specific playlists, but they are proposed by others. Why not creating an app that offers personalized music flow according to mood and which refines over time?
During the onboarding, the application sets the tone by proposing a Chinese portrait questionnaire and a choice of emoticons to determine your mood.
Depending on your mood, that you can change at any time, the design will be different and obviously the music flow will be adapted.
Each time you start the app, you can set your mood if you want.
With Vibes, we do not take ourselves completely seriously. Music touches heart and soul, so we need to avoid to be too dramatic. A form of derision and shifting is at work in the application to play down the way we feel in everyday life.
Les aventures du hérisson bleu à la vitesse supersonique et son combat perpétuel pour contrer les diaboliques manœuvres du Docteur Eggman…
Série CGI
104 X 13
Genre : Cartoon
Réalisation, écriture, montage, voix
Surexcité, envahissant et gauche, ce petit chien noir et blanc n’en est pas moins attachant. Monk est un chien très vif, mais il a la mauvaise habitude de créer des catastrophes partout où il pose les pattes.
Série CGI
52 X 3
Genre : Cartoon
Création, Réalisation, écriture, montage
Les Légendaires, héros officiels du royaume d’Alysia, sont courageux, intrépides et indomptables, mais ils sont redevenus des enfants, de 12 ans… Une véritable malédiction !
Série 2D/3D
26 X 26
Genre : Action, aventure
conception et montage de bonus TFOU
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